We LOVE to cook! Our homemade organic-gourmet breakfasts bring guests back over and over again. (Rusty (pictured), has been here more than 15 times.) Eve’s Garden has an organic garden
. Depending on the season, every breakfast has fresh ingredients from our gardens. We also get our delicious eggs, cheese and yogurt from our friend at a local ranch, Z-Bar Farms.
We like to make a big healthy breakfast as most guests are on their way to Big Bend National Park and we want to provide them with lots of energy for those gorgeous hikes!
When making a reservation we always ask if you have any dietary needs. We are happy to accommodate vegetarians, vegans, diabetics, people who just don’t like onions, or any special requests.
Other local food providers with whom we cooperate:
Blue Water Natural Foods, Alpine, TX
Big Bend Coffee Roasters, Marfa
Big Bend Honey, Alpine
Miller Meat Market, Ft Stockton (they process local Bison and wild venison from Alaine’s Dad)
Pickle Creek Market, Marathon (caters events here at E’s G)
- Tex-Mex-Tico Breakfast
- Baked Grapefruit with Meringue
- Fabulous Frittata made with organic garden sweet potatoes, Cherry and Poppy Seed Bread, and Baked Grapefruit with Meringue
- OMG Omlettes with Homemade Pumpkin Bread and Fruit Art
- French toast, fresh fruit custards, mango-pineapple-papaya sauce
- Baked Bananas with Cardamom and Cream
- Noble and Alaine model new aprons in our hand built kitchen. Noble and Alaine got officially married on their 10th anniversary last year. One of our wedding gifts was this set of matching aprons embroidered with “Mrs. Baker” and “Mr. Baker.” Cute because we love to bake, funny because Noble’s last name Is Baker!
- With two separate organic gardens, we have home grown tomatoes most of the year! If Alaine could only eat one food for the rest of her life, it would be home grown tomatos! Nothing better.
- When serving a higer carbohydrate breakfast like french toast or pancakes we like to accompany it with our high protien breakfast custard made with local milk, local eggs, and just a little bit of sugar, topped with fresh in-season fruit (when possible). This recipe is based out of one of our favorite old hippy cookbooks: The Junkfood Alternative.
- Kate’s Sister Rosemary invented this pancake recipe. Rosemary owns a B & B in the Hill country. With whole wheat flour, ricotta cheese and buttermilk, can’t go wrong. We serve it with a lemon sauce (that is custard-like). On the side is a homemade greek yogurt from our friend Sally over at Z-Bar ranch. This morning we served the yogurt with apples from our orchard and local pears out of Alpine.
- At Eve’s Garden we take Martha Stewart’s baked pear recipe and out-fancy even Martha. This hearty breakfast included those hand-carved pears (with half of the cream and sugar that Martha uses), mini-quiches with swiss chard from Kate’s garden and local eggs from our friend Sally at Z-Bar ranch just outside Marathon, and homemade scones with fresh and dried cranberries (soaked in amaretto) and orange, orange zest and almonds. Served with locally made marmalade.
- Currant tomatoes
- Lambs quarters and Eve
- Frittata
- We designed and built our kitchen out of the papercrete blocks we make here on-site. I Love my Kitchen!
- Migas!
- Quiches, scones, and baked pears.
- My favorite scone recipe is all whole wheat with fresh and amaretto soaked dried cranberries and orange and orange zest.
- Play with your food! Fruit art served with local yogurt with a hint of ginger and local honey.
- A neighbor brought over a home-grown watermellon, made for a stunning fruit art!
- Frittata with greens from our on-site organic garden
- Alaine Loves to take pictures of her baked candied pears
- Even the kids love baked grapefruit with Meringue
- One of the sauces we serve with our homemade waffles is a berry sauce made with a pound of raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, mixed with just a tablespoon of honey and strained
- Blueberry pancakes made with Organic Blue Cornmeal and whole wheat flour…served with a protien and fruit
- Yumm YUMM!
- Fresh Eggs from Marathon’s Z-Bar Ranch and a big breakfast!
- Bright and Cheery Breakfast!
- A Balanced Breakfast, protien, carb, and fruit caption
- Candied Carved Pears
- Baked Bananas with Cardamom as they are about to go into the oven at 400 Degrees for 6 minutes
- Fresh fruit served with locally made Greek yogurt…from Sally at the Z-Bar Ranch
- Fancy Fruit Plate with Poppy Seed Sauce